Saturday, December 24, 2005

they call me the terror of foxfire road

Well, they don't, really. As far as I know. But they should. Because I am.

Anyway, welcome to the pre-Christmas Mania Post post. Christmas Mania Post to be posted in the vicinity of tomorrow.

Home is, as always, interesting. And by "interesting", I mean packed, as always, with calories and humor. Magnificent feasts have been had in the last few days to expand the palate and the beltline, including our traditional holiday cheese-and-cracker munch-in:

(A fantastic wine, if you're interested in these things, is white zinfandel; our neighbor dropped a large bottle off as a christmas gift, and since my mom doesn't care for it the bottle is mine, all mine).

In addition, the tree has been decked, answering the question "What would happen if Father Christmas got wasted and wandered drunk into the forest, where he threw up on a small pine tree?"

As of about two hours ago, all of the presents are wrapped and represented underneath said tree.

Not much else is new and newsworthy from the Island of Lost Toys (And Dreams, And Various Office Supplies). So I suppose this is Christmas. Enjoy. Watch out for a fat man if he's in a vehicle of any sort, particularly of the kind powered by woodland creatures; he's probably been hitting the 'nog.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

home is where the heart is

Well, I made it back in one piece. And I managed to move all of my stuff from Babcock to Busey with only a few minor problems and with the magnificent assistance of Dave, or rather the assistance of magnificent Dave, to whom I am eternally indebted, etc...

Flight(s) were good. Luggage made it home. Joy and exuberance.

It's very good to be home. Of course I miss college (not classes, except maybe quartet and philharmonia. I really do miss the people I met at school though...and one in particular) but I have the feeling this month is going to fly by.

Also, I finally saw The Jerk today:

"I know I've only known you for 4 weeks and 3 days, but it seems like I've known you for 9 weeks and 5 days"

and, holy crap this made me laugh so hard:

"NO! KITTEN JUGGLING!? The bastards!"

I wish I could find a screenshot of that.

Sunday, December 18, 2005


Pour vous, maman... cause nobody else I know had 32 batches of christmas cookies (and counting!) to come home to.